Batik with Dena De Kryger-Mathew

Batik with Dena De Kryger-Mathew
February 12, 26, March 2 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Ages 16+ $55 ($50 Members)
Batik uses wax and water-based dye to create patterns, layers of color, and images on fabric. In this class, we will explore the radial patterns of flowers as we create batik pieces that are the perfect size for quilting, throw pillows, or wall hangings. Dive into the details of nature to create your very own batik piece! Perfect size for a quilt square or a pillow top!

Photo Fabric Lighthouse Landscaping with Dr. Kruszinski

Photo Fabric Lighthouse Landscaping with Dr. Kruszinski
July 31 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Ages 16+ $90 (Members $85)

Learn the art of collage landscaping with an inserted lighthouse picture printed on a photo fabric. Choose from Big Sable, White Lake, Muskegon, Grand Haven or Holland lights. You will amaze yourself at how easy it is to create a beautiful Lake Michigan Pier seascape in fabric! Prepare to have fun! Sewing machine needed. Equipment/materials list provided at registration.


Rescheduled from July 24 to July 31.

Preregistration is required, give us a call at 231-924-4022 to sign up today!

Dyeing and Discharging: Artistic Textile Coloring Techniques with Kay Brennan

Dyeing and Discharging: Artistic Textile
Coloring Techniques with Kay Brennan
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. November 2
Class Fee $60 ($55 Members) Ages 16-Adult

Spend the morning dying cotton fabric squares with shirbori and other tying and folding techniques. Browse a variety of other dying, overdying, discharging and painting techniques and their results while enjoying lunch. Then in the afternoon practice discharging on silk using paint and stamping methods then unveil the results of the mornings efforts. This class designed to teach fiber artists many ways of artistically applying color to create their own fine fabrics.

NCCA-Artsplace Exhibit: 21st Century Arts & Crafts Movement

21st Century Arts & Crafts Movement
July 11 through August 7, 2018
Public Reception/Demonstrations
August 4, 10:00 a.m.-Noon
Jansma Gallery at NCCA-Artsplace, 13 E. Main St., Fremont, 231-924-4022.

The 1880-1920 Arts and Crafts Movement was a critique of industrial society, the modern factory, the use of machinery and the loss of traditional craft methods. The Arts and Crafts forefathers thought that a healthy and moral society required independent workers who designed the things they made.

Today in addition to the result of the industrial revolution, we have the technological revolution. Objects are made on assembly lines, of which the worker is one more step removed from the process by automated assembly, and computerized manipulation, like that of the 3D printer. The loss of traditional craft methods is concerning.

This exhibit is curated to bring to the forefront traditional art forms, hand made craftsmanship, and hopefully to pass on those traditions to the next generation. Learn about fine blacksmithing, woodworking, fiber arts, book binding, print making and other hand made fine arts.

Contact if you are interested in participating.


Featured image detail by Manuel Vermeire.