Photography: Nature of A Trout Stream with Kevin Feenstra

6:00-8:00 p.m.

September 6

Class Fee: $55 ($50 Members)

Ages 14-Adult

The first half of the class time students will discuss the
biodiversity of the trout stream, approaching different
subject matter and how to frame each one using
Kevin’s slides as examples. Long lenses, landscape
photography, macro photography, and underwater gear
will also be discussed. Kevin will bring his camera gear
and lenses, as well as a basic underwater rig for the
students to familiarize with on location at Branstrom
Park in the second half of the class. A great combination
of classroom and hands on photographic experience!

Decoy Carving with Al Nelson

Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

August 27

Class Fee: $40 ($35 Members)

Ages 14-Adult

Starting with blanks, students will learn to shape, whittle
and texture decoys for optimal fishing applications. Al
Nelson, from Cadillac, has been carving and painting
fish decoys since his childhood, and even learned
from master decoy carver Oscar Peterson himself! All
materials provided. Bring a lunch.

Matting and Framing Workshop

Monday 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

April 18 and 25

Class Fee: $60 ($55 Members)

Ages 16-Adult

Learn the art of mat cutting for your own use or to prepare a gift for a special person. In this workshop you will learn about mat selection, how to properly measure, cut and mount your work, and assemble your frame. Each participant should bring an 8”x10” piece of art or photograph (slightly smaller is fine) to frame. Some materials provided.

Introduction to Pottery on the Wheel with Dakota Brandt

Saturday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

March 19, April 2

Class Fee: $85 ($80 Members)

Ages 12-Adult

Take this opportunity to learn a new skill – wheel thrown pottery. In this class students will learn the basics of wheel throwing including centering, opening, pulling walls of even thickness and basic shaping and trimming. The goal of the class is to teach the steps necessary so that students can continue working independently. The first and second classes are spaced a week apart to allow for independent practice time. Class fee includes use of clay during the duration of class. Class size limited to 3.

Stained Glass Mosaic on Wood Tray with Tracy Kehr

Monday 6:00-8:00 p.m.

April 25, May 2

Class Fee: $50 ($45 Members)

Ages 12-Adult

Discover the beauty of mosaic glass design in a functional wood serving tray. Each student will learn to use glass cutting tools and colorful glass choices to create a simple design. Trays will be grouted and sealed. This class is an easy introduction to glass cutting and glass mosaic art forms.

Life Drawing with Lindsay Isenhart

Monday 6:30-8:30 p.m.

May 2, 9, 16, 23

$75 ($65 Members)

Ages 16-Adult

Starting with gesture, and proportion, following through to some anatomical landmarks and finding the planes of the face, we will draw from observation and enjoy the practice of drawing the figure from life. Time to knock off the rust and get drawing again if you’ve been in artistic hibernation, or if you’re new to figure drawing, this is the perfect time to jump in! We will be focusing on a variety of drawing mediums. All materials provided. Class includes large newsprint pad and drawing paper pad for each student.

Build your Own Cigar Box Guitar with Chester Winowiecki

Thursday 6:00-8:00 p.m.

March 10, 24

Class Fee: $90 ($85 Members)

Ages 16-Adult

Build your own fretless, acoustic/electric, 3 string cigar box guitar with instrument builder Chester Winowiecki. Students will begin building during the first session, take them home to put on a finish (poly, shellac, lacquer, etc.) and bring them back for final assembly and a quick playing lesson in the final session. Use of sharp hand tools and some power tools is involved. All supplies are provided.

Dyed Infinity Silk Scarves with Kay Brennan

Thursday 6:00-7:30 p.m.

March 24

Class Fee: $40 ($35 Members)

Ages 12-Adult

Create your own fashion statement by designing colorful infinity scarves. Each person will be able to dye two pieces using a variety of rich color. The pieces will be dyed in class and then washed at home. This is a great class to take with some friends.

Leather Bracelet with Silver Art Clay Bead with Cristine Grimm

Monday 6:00-8:00 p.m.

April 25

Class Fee: $70 ($65 Members)

Ages 16-Adult

Create a gorgeous silver wrapped coil bead and walk away with a beautiful leather and silver bracelet and a confident understanding of basic metal clay techniques. Beginners will enjoy this low pressure introduction to metal clay using Silver Art Clay and a mandrel as they begin to practice good habits and discover appropriate uses of torch and kiln methods. Participants will leave wearing and showing off their new creation!

Stunning in Silver with Cristine Grimm

Monday 6:00-9:00 p.m.

March 14

Class Fee: $65 ($60 Members)

Age 14-Adult

Come and join certified Art Clay instructor, Cristine Grimm, in exploring Art Clay the clay that turns to 99.9% pure silver when fired. Students will make earrings or a small pendant with basic techniques that can be used anywhere, anytime, without a kiln. Cristine is a master instructor who will bring all the tools and tricks necessary to create something you’ll enjoy wearing or adding to your next beading project. Cost includes silver clay, the use of all necessary tools, and a necklace and jump ring for wearing out the door.